Brussel Sprouts
My husband and I went out for dinner last night at a fantastic little Bistro not far from home, Solo Bistro for those of you in the Bath area.

The seasonal accompaniment with nearly every dish was....Roasted Brussel Sprouts.  Ugh!  I can still recall being a little girl and eating was NOT tasty at all.  Never had them since, my husband recalled a similar childhood experience with some ill-prepared sprouts.  We were hesitant but we both got them figuring everything at this Bistro was so yummy, surely they wouldn't serve them if they didn't taste good.

They arrived at the table, we looked at each other...I said "You first".  He tried it and smiled..."These are delicious!"  I was still a little hesitant thinking he may trick with me, but I tasted one....and what a surprise.  It really was delicious.  We both cleared our plates, very proud of ourselves.

This got me thinking....nutritionally what's the benefit of eating Brussel Sprouts?  Here is what I found out:
                    1.  4 Brussel Sprouts is about 60 calories
                    2.  Especially high in Vitamin C 120% RDV
                    3.  3 grams of Fiber
                    4.  2 grams of Protein
                    5.  Good source of Folate
                    6.  Contain Sulforaphane, a chemical believed to have potent anticancer properties
                    7.  Contain indole-3-carbinol, a chemical that boosts DNA repair and blocks the growth of cancer cells.

Believed to be cultivated from Ancient Rome and are the same species as broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, and kale.  They are in season at this very moment.  Check your local farmers market and don't be afraid to cook some for dinner tonight.

Lemon.  It may cause you to think; Dud, or reject.

I'm going to show you why it's no such thing!  In fact, the Ancient Egyptians believed that eating a lemon or drinking the juice protected them against various poisons.  Studies show that they were not too far off from that belief.

Lemons give us citric acid, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium, Bioflavinoids, and Pectin.  They also contain limonene which is important as it helps fight infection and promotes immunity.  It's an incredibly strong antiviral, antibacterial, and promotes digestive tract health and cleaning of the liver (which as an added bonus aids in weight loss!)

Because of the citric acid, it’s excellent at getting rid of acne.  If you are feeling stress or full of anxiety, breath in some lemon oil...this naturally relives fatigue and anxiety and increases focus and alertness.

It's also effective if you are suffering from a cold.  It supplies your body with Vitamin C, AND the anti-viral properties attack and destroy the mucus in your nose and throat.

Lemon oil stimulates the brain.  If you feel tired, add some lemon oil or some fresh squeezed lemon juice to some water.

Lemons can also provide relief with gout and rheumatism.  It provides relief with kidney stones and bladder issues as it acts as a diuretic.

I hope the next time you think about a lemon, you will think about all these amazing benefits and nutrients it provides!

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